Kimberly Taylor Named Director of Asset Management
A traveling companion snapped this photo of Kimberly during an excursion outside of Cape Town last winter. Kimberly was participating in the Remote Year work-abroad program, which took her to southern Europe and South Africa.
HDC announced today that Kimberly Taylor transitioned to a new role, HDC’s director of asset management, effective in May. Kimberly will lead HDC’s asset management department, the region's principal provider of asset management capacity-building and training programs to nonprofit affordable housing owners. She will also join HDC’s management team, helping to set direction and priorities for Oregon’s longest-serving affordable housing development consulting group.
A senior member of HDC’s asset management team since 2010, Kimberly brings 20 years of experience in affordable housing asset management and compliance to her new role. She is a chief architect of training programs such as SPS (Strengthening Portfolio Strategies) and BAMS (Building Asset Management Solutions) that have strengthened the capacity of organizations across the region to financially manage their affordable housing portfolios for long-term viability.
A passionate educator and group facilitator, Kimberly specializes in helping new asset managers gain the skills and tools they need to do their jobs. Her organizational training work focuses on bringing people together across teams to engage in asset management planning and goal setting.
“The HDC board, management team, and I are thrilled that Kimberly is moving into this leadership role,” said HDC Executive Director Joni Hartmann. "In addition to being ideally qualified to direct HDC’s asset management work, Kimberly brings a valuable perspective to HDC’s management team’s at a time when our organization is engaged in a pivotal strategic planning process that will set a course for the next three years and beyond.”
Kimberly's wealth of industry knowledge and relationships, her extensive experience advising housing owners on long-term asset management issues, and her creative problem-solving mindset are key strengths Kimberly will bring to HDC’s strategic thinking and decision making, Joni added.
Kimberly stated that she is eager to support affordable housing owners to access the resources they need as the industry navigates an environment of rapid change and unprecedented uncertainty. "Now more than ever, communication and creativity are essential for effective portfolio oversight,” Kimberly said. “I'm excited to work even more closely with our clients as a sounding board/trusted advisor, helping them to proactively plan for whatever challenges may cross their paths in this new normal. And I’m committed to ensuring that folks have continued access to the training services, support, and resources they expect from HDC."
Kimberly’s top short-term priorities include adapting HDC’s services to meet the needs of asset management professionals working from home during to the COVID-19 shutdown. She continues to provide consulting, troubleshooting, and training via phone and videoconference, and will continue to facilitate meetings of the PAMWG (the Property and Asset Management Working Group) virtually. New online training opportunities will be announced in coming weeks on HDC’s blog and in its newsletter.
"For 20 years I've dedicated my work life to ensuring multifamily housing owners have the tools and training they need to navigate the complex world of affordable housing,” Kimberly said. “I love what I do and am committed to assisting HDC clients with any challenges related to asset management and compliance. I look forward to our brainstorming together!”
Friends and colleagues are encouraged to contact Kimberly with questions, comments, and congratulations!